British History Online, is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, we aim to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research.
Sensusrekords - Waaruit hulle bestaan en waar om hulle te kry.
FreeCEN, UK Census Online - this project aims to provide a "free-to-view" online searchable database of the 19th century UK census returns.- not yet complete.
Sensusse, 1841 tot by 1901, kan op die internet geraadpleeg word deur om aan te sluit (teen betaling) by een van 'n aantal maatskappye, onder andere:,,
Britse Nasionale Argiewe - 'n omvattende versameling dokumente, indekse en artikels.
Testamente - 'n gids tot die "Prerogative Court of Canterbury" testamente (1384-1858). Volledig soekbaar. Bestellings kan op die blad geplaas word. 'n Omvattende verduideliking van en gids tot testamente wat elders geberg word.
Navorsingshandleidings - 'n enorme versameling inligting rakende beide spesifieke rekords en algemene handleidings vir familiegeskiedenis, beginners-Latyn en paleografie.
The National Archives Podcast Series - verskeie praatjies, geen prente nie - sluit in, onder andere, familie navorsing, bvb Tracing pre-1914 army ancestors en Emigration records.
Navorsingshulpmiddels - Inligting wat van nut kan wees met navorsing in verskillende tipes dokumente insluitende testamente, WO1 rekords en ander versamelings, sowel as algemene inligting oor hoe om die webblad te gebruik.
Databasis van billikheidspleitstukke "Equity Pleadings" - 'n ryk bron van inligting van veral geregtelike, sosiale en ekonomiese geskiedenis sowel as genealogiese bronne.
Naturalisation and Citizenship: toekennings van Britse Nationaliteit en Burgerskap.
Yesterday's Journey - by Mike Spencer. Records of people on the move in Britain who had dealings with documents and Officials. The Records come from Derbyshire, but often deal with many people from other regions passing through. Do read the Information Page.
Engeland en Wallis:
General Register Office, vir geboorte-, trou- en sterfsertifikate
GRO Records en Familiegeskiedenis
Algemene vrae oor die bestel van Sertifikate
England and Wales Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificate Information, deur Barbara Dixon
Civil Registration - 1837 - a brief summary
Civil Registration - a useful page of facts about the registration of births, marriages and deaths in England.
The Marriage Act 1836 - a brief summary
FreeBMD, deur die Trustees van FreeBMD onderhou. Aanlyn soekbare transkripsies van die Engeland en Wallis indeks van geboortes, huwelike en sterftes 1837 tot 1949 - is byna klaar voltooi. Met hierdie inligting kan 'n persoon aansoek doen vir 'n kopie van 'n sertifikaat vanaf die General Register Office (sien hierbo).
Kerk Registers
FreeReg, provides free Internet searches of baptism, marriage, and burial records, that have been transcribed from parish and non-conformist registers of the U.K.
UK Online Parish Clerks, provide genealogy information and transcriptions of parish registers of a number of English Counties free of charge.
Scotland's People, vir Geboortes, Troue, Sterftes, Testamente en Sensus inligting.
Ireland Genealogy Project & Archives, projek koördineerder Don Kelly.
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