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Murraysburg Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Murraysburg, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (56 records)

  • 1895

The columns below can be sorted by clicking on the headings. You can sort on two columns by holding down the shift key and clicking both. You can filter the results by typing in a word or phrase in the filter box. The data is filtered while you type. Instructions for accessing the images can be found below the table of records for each set of indexes.

Murraysburg - Civil Registration: Deaths
18951VAN ASWEGENHendrik Jan son of Jan, age 0
18952BURGERBooi son of Frik, age 0
18953SINCLAIRMartha daughter of Hendrik, age 5 Months
18954DUIKERJafta son of Speelman, age 7 Months
18955VAN HEERDEN N.n. daughter of AB, age 0
18956SOLOMAAbraham son of Verina Johanna WITOE, age 4
18957VAN HEERDEN Willem George Sebastienage 66
18958GOOSENAletta Catherina Elizabethage 58
18959LIEBENBERGBarend Daniel son of BL, age 9
189510JAFTALena Ruiters daughter of Jan, age 0
189511THERONWouter Hacobus Stephanusage 78
189512PIENAARJohanna Maria daughter of B, age 15
189513DU TOITPieter Jacobusage 50
189514ANDRIESHendrik de Pon son of Hessie, age 0
189515HOHOAntjeage 1
189516SWARTBOOYWildschatage 60
189517LIEBENBERGN.n. daughter of AT, age 0
189518LIEBENBERGEsther Gertruidaage 68
189519THERONWillem Aaronage 77
189520WAGERMANJacobage 19
189521ROSSOUWCarel Johannes son of DJ, age 10
189522BAYLYLydia Hellenage 65
189523ROSSOUWDavid Johannes son of DJ, age 5
189524ASWEGENAlwyn son of Daniel, age 2
189525OLIFANTBoriage 90
189526OLIFANTElsieage 20
189527?Boeteboschage 2
189528LOWEPietage 70
189529FISHERDaniel son of Maria, age 6 Months
189530PrinsN.n. daughter of Windvogel, age 0
189531EKSTEENDavid age 16
189532JANTJESAugustage 26
189533DRAGMDERMatjeage 25
189534NELTrynage 20
189535DU TOITHendrina Elizabeth daughter of PE, age 6
189536PURCELLMauriceage 23
189537ROSSOUWAnna Maria Muriman(?)age 36
189538SUELWindootel son of Hermanus, age 16
189539VAN ASWEGENMagrita Magdalena daughter of Jacobus Gideon, age 0
189540CONRADIEJohannus Lodevicusage 27
189541LIEBENBERGJohannes Jacobus son of JG, age 0
189542ZEDRASLeentjeage 26
189543FEBERLeaage 60
189544PAULJannetje son of Barend, age 2 Months
189545HECTORTryn daughter of Piet, age 0
189546HECTORTryn daughter of Piet, age 0, (duplicate image
189547JULIESPaha daughter of Bart, age 1 Month
189548LETERASJan son of JAN, age 0
189549LEEUWDoortjeage 40
189550LEEUWTryn daughter of Klaas, age 17
189551ESTERHUISSampieage 65
189552PIENAARAnna Catharina Susannaage 67
189553MARITZGert Stefanusage 75
189554BERGERAndries Petrus son of AP, age 2 Months
189555BERGERAndries Petrus son of AP, age 2 Months, (duplicate image
189556RUITERSJakob Cornelis son of Jan, age 7 Months



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2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

3. Click on Browse through 2,216,270 images

4. Click on the 'year'

5. Click on 'Murraysburg'

6. Enter desired image number in Image # box



"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Murraysburg; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8441