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Philipstown Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Philipstown, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (102 records)

  • 1895

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Civil Registration: Deaths - Phililpstown
18951 DU PLESSIS Johannes Lodewicus son of Hendrik Rudolph , age 0,
18952 KANABU Stuurmanage 66,
18953 KRAM Jan son of Eliza, age 0,
18954 VAN WYK Metadaughter of Lena, age 6 Months,
18955 VORSTER Anna Sophiaage 27,
18956 STRAUSS Aletta Susannadaughter of David Frederick, age 9,
18957 STRAUSS Aletta Susannadaughter of David Frederick, age 9, (duplicate Image
18958 JANSE VAN VUUREN Martha Magdalenaage 26,
18959 JANSEN Hendrina Ceciliaage 34,
189510 VENTER Lasyo Sophiadaughter of Gert Jacobus, age 7 Months,
189511 STUURMAN Damon son of Lena HENDRIK, age 6,
189512 VISAGIE Hendrik son of Anna SALOMON, age 3 Months,
189513 PIETERSE Salmon son of Katrina, age 5 Months,
189514 FISH Dorothydaughter of Klara, age 9 Months,
189515N.n. Juitdaughter of Kandaas, age 1,
189516N.n. Sannadaughter of Antje, age 1,
189517 VAN VUUREN Anna Catrinadaughter of FHJ, age 1 Month,
189518 VENTER Andries Jacobus Johannes son of Piet, age 14 Months
189519 JONKER Zarkinage 50,
189520 VANA ROOI Jacobage 56,
189521 BARTMAN Salmon son of Roslyn, age 18 Months
189522 PRETORIUS Anna Maria Alettaage 30,
189523 WANDRAG Gooiman son of Karrel, age 5,
189524 DE KLERK nee ARDIEN Deborahage 29,
189525 ROOI Fryage 50,
189526 BOOYSENN.n. son of Jan Hendrik, age 0,
189527 VENTER Willem Adriaan Jacobusage 66,
189528 LOUW Jacobus Johannes son of Jocobus Johannes, age 0,
189529 COETSEE Louis Petrus son of Hendrik Willem, age 3 Months,
189530 KANI Basir November son of Anna, age 5 Months,
189531 BOSMAN Frederik son of Raathe, age 1 Month,
189532 VAN DER MERWE Gertruida Jacominadaughter of A V D, age 9 Months,
189533 TERRY Sarah Ann Bridgitdaughter of Thomas, age 12,
189534N.n. Africaage 14,
189535 ?ETRE Anna Johanna Elizabethage 37,
189536 POTGIETER Maarten David Jacobusage 83,
189537 VENTER Johanna Maria Jacobadaughter of Hendrik Jacobus, age 11,
189538N.n. Klaasage 25,
189539 KEWIET Greetdaughter of Leah, age 12,
189540 RUITERS Flinkage 60,
189541N.n. Dansterage 40,
189542 YZELLE Izaak Hendrik son of Izaak Hendrik, age 2,
189543N.n.N.n. unknown, age 40,
189544 VERMEULENN.n.daughter of Christoffel Johannes Nicholas, age 0,
189545 MOLI Lysage 52,
189546 VENTER Engela Elizabethdaughter of Philippus Arnoldus Benjamin, age 5,
189547 BESTER Johan Karl Christian son of Jacobus Marthinus, age 2,
189548 JANSE VAN RENSBURG Johan Frederick Richoltzage 43,
189549 MAUREIS Rositdaughter of Helena, age 7 Months,
189550 SLINGER Vosage 20,
189551 BREDENKAMP Anna Charlottadaughter of Francois Alwyn, age 12,
189552 BREDENKAMP Anna Charlottadaughter of Francois Alwyn, age 12, (duplicate Image
189553 VAN DER LINDA Gert Johan Hendrik son of Jan Hendrik, age 3,
189554 VENTER Carel Nicholasage 26,
189555 LOUW Bernt son of Rosit, age 0,
189556 VAN DER WALT Petrus Jacobusage 61,
189557 PETERS Lysdaughter of Dorthe, age 1 Month,
189558N.n. Booiage ?,
189559 STEELE Charlotte Hannahage 34,
189560 HERHOLDT Susara Aletta Margrethaage 62,
189561 THOMAS Klaasage ,
189562N.n. Stoffelage 10 Days,
189563 WITBOOI Dirk son of Dirk, age 6 Months,
189564 VENTERN.n. son of Jan Adrian, age 0,
189565 CLOETE Markusage ,
189566 MATTENS Isaacage 70,
189567 MATEWES Jan age 50,
189568 STREWIG Anna Elizabethdaughter of Willem Hendrik Adrian, age 4 Months,
189569 CARSWELL Allanage 39,
189570 DELPORT Susara Johannaage 84,
189571 MESIGAH Johannes son of Booi, age 19 Months
189572 BEZUIDENHOUT Nicolaas Stephanus son of Nicholaas Stephanus, age 7 Months,
189573 BARTIE Lucretia Lydiadaughter of George Wally, age 3 Months,
189574 BARTIE Lucretia Lydiadaughter of George Wally, age 3 Months, (duplicate Image
189575 OLIFANT Fytjeage 32,
189576 FOURIE Margritha Tazyfn(?)daughter of Johannes Okker, age 1 Month,
189577N.n. Katjeage 40,
189578 APPELN.n. son of Mietje, age 0,
189579 BOY Spogterage 33,
189580 DU TOIT Jan Hendrik son of Petrus Daniel, age 4,
189581 KAMNIES Evensage 50,
189582 VAN DER BERG Elizabeth Anna Jacomina age 35,
189583N.n. Jantjeage 83,
189584 CORTMANN.n. son of Fytje, age 0,
189585 FOURIE Christina Gertruidadaughter of Adriaan Paulus, age 11 Months
189586 WOLF Platjeage 60,
189587N.n. Klaasage 50,
189588 BEKER Lentjeage 30,
189589 HAMMIES Willem son of Wynard, age 5 Months,
189590 ABRAMS Racheldaughter of Rachel, age 13 Months
189591N.n. Jantjeage 90,
189592 HARTEBEEST Sabrinaage 102,
189593 MARITZ Zacharias Willem Marthinus son of Nicholaas, age 9 Months,
189594 VAN DER MERWE Cecilia Margreta Pretoriusage 52,
189595 FOURIE Johannes Jochemage 26,
189596 DELPORT Daniel Ignatiusage 69,
189597 BOOYSE Lenaage 37,
189598 KILJANN.n. son of Maya, age 0,
189599 KILJANN.n.daughter of Maya, age 0,
1895100 VAN VUURENN.n. son of Isaac Stephanus Petrus, age 0,
1895101 KAPTYN Veikiedaughter of Roselyn, age 4 months
1895102N.n. Booiage 25,



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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Philipstown; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8532