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Paarl Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Paarl, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (200 records)

  • 1895

The columns below can be sorted by clicking on the headings. You can sort on two columns by holding down the shift key and clicking both. You can filter the results by typing in a word or phrase in the filter box. The data is filtered while you type. Instructions for accessing the images can be found below the table of records for each set of indexes.

Paarl - Civil Registration: Deaths
18951HIEBNERJohanna Aletta Jacoba42
18952HUBBARDStephanus Wilhelm son of Daniel Henry, 7 months
18953AbrahamsLena daughter of Abraham, 5
18954KLAASEFlip son of Pieter, 10 Months
18955JOUBERTN.n. son of Gideon Johannes, 14 Days
18956JOUBERTN.n. son of Gideon Johannes, 14 Days, (Duplicate Image
18957KERMISN.n. daughter of November, 2 Days
18959HORNHenrietta Sophia Louise daughter of W F, 3
189510KORDOMJohanna daughter of Sanna, 1
189511KRUGERJacob Christoffel son of Barend, 1 Month
189513THEUNISSENFilda Maria daughter of Theunis Frans, 10
189514TROUBEN.n. son of George, 2 Months
189515MINNAARCupido Marthinus son of Jan, 15
189516DESMOREN.n. son of A, 0
189518SCHALKWYKMartha30, (duplicate notification
189519ROUX nee MALANMargaritha Magdalena84
189520SEPTEMBERMietje daughter of Willem, 1
189522VAN DER MERWEN.n. daughter of Alie, 2 Months
189523DU TOITCatharina Christina38
189524JEFTHARachel Maria Johanna daughter of Samuel, 14
189525VAN BREDAAlica Jane daughter of M, 5 Months
189526GROENEWALDAdrian son of Adrian, 8
189527MALANMaria Elizabeth daughter of M, 5 Months
189528DE VILLIERSMagdalena Maria Wilhelmina75
189529ABRAMSEAbraham son of Klaas, 7 Days
189530KLEINN.n. twin son &, daughter of Jacobus, 0
189531TEMPIN.n. son of William (1 of triplets), 14 Days
189532TEMPIN.n. son of William (1 of triplets), 18 Days
189533KNOOPJohannes Nicolaas75
189534JACOBSChristina daughter of David, 1
189535JOUBERTHelena Petronella daughter of Jozua Daniel, 11 Months
189536JACOBSChristina grand-daughter of Christina Fredericks, 1
189537JACOBSLys daughter of Jacobus, 13 Months
189538PILAARJacob Christian30
189539ARENDSEN.n. son of D, 27 Days
189540DE VILLIERSGertruida Elizabeth Pteronella32
189541VAN DER BERGJohanna Jurgina Sophia niece of AJJ DORMAN, 7 months
189542DE KLERKAletta Johanna56
189543DE VILLIERSJohanna Ester E63
189546DU TOITAnna S20
189547DU TOITAnna S20, (duplicate notification
189548DU TOITAnna S20, (Duplicate Image
189549unkown male +/- 60
189550BARENDSMagdalena daughter of Dora, 1
189551MOSESThys son of Florence, 5 Months
189552NALIDaniel son of Christina, 3 Months
189553LITTLEWOODGeorge Alfred30
189554LITTLEWOODGeorge Alfred30, (duplicate notification
189555JOUBERTJohannes Petrus son of A A, 8 Months
189556MINNAARElizabeth Petronella daughter of H L(?), 15 Months
189557WARNICHJan Daniel son of N W, 18 Months
189558VAN GRAANRegina daughter of Rozet, 16
189560ROBYNDorothea Aletta daughter of Waree, 14 Months
189562NATUSJustinus son of Mozes, 13 Months
189563VAN GRAANNicolaas76
189564VAN DER WESTHUISNicolaas son of Martha, 5 Months
189565HOFFMAN Ivanhoe Green son of F J, 8 Months
189567DANIELSJohanna daughter of Jacob, 1
189568KAROLISTryntje daughter of Sina, 4 Months
189569DU TOITN.n. daughter of W H, 1 Month
189570HUBACHJohan Peter58
189571PILAARJohannes Marthinus son of November, 1
189572MALANJacobus Francois60
189573TEMPIAbraham son of William, 1 Month
189574POOLCornelia Wilhelmina daughter of Coenraad A, 8 Months
189575MARIASHelena daughter of Pieter J, 14 Months
189576DE VILLIERSPhilip Wouter63
189577JUDIERachel daughter of Johannes, 5 Days
189578KLAASENKlara daughter of Aropa, 6 Weeks
189579LEYMANSampie son of Adonis, 6 months
189580MALHERBAWillem Stephanus38
189581PIETERSFleue son of Christian, 13 Months
189583BENNIKEPiet adopted son of Johanna, 4 Months
189584LOUWJanodien adopted son of Gatap, 2 Months
189587LOTTERGertruida Woutrina63
189588TREURNICKDaniel Johannes son of M, 1
189590CUPIDOHendrina Maria77
189591VAN BEEKGeorge son of A D(?), 8 Months
189592ALIAchmat son of Saban, 13 Months
189593Jack son of Griet, 11 Days
189595VOIGHPieter David66
189596BARKWAYHarry son of W, 5
1895100LODEWYKJoseph son of Cina, 1
1895101PAULSEJohannes son of Willemina, 14
1895102CAROLUSMagdalena Getruida66
1895103VAN NIEKERKAmalie Hendrika30
1895104GRIBBLEArthur James son of James, 3
1895105LOURENSN.n. daughter of Styn, 18 Days
1895107APPOLOSJohanna daughter of Jardien and Margaretha, 9 Months
1895109NOVEMBERJan son of Koos, 7 months
1895111ABRAHAM Jan35
1895113SAMUELSDrena daughter of Sam, 10
1895115FORTUINMargaretha Sophia48
1895116NAUDEHendrik son of Hendrik, 1
1895117PECEURMaria daughter of Francina, 16
1895118HENDRIKSElsie daughter of Adam, 5 Months
1895119HENDRIKSSarah daughter of Adam, 5 Months
1895120PAULSESara Wilhelmina daughter of Abraham, 18 Months
1895124KLEINCatharina adopted daughter of David Cupido, 8 Months
1895125PARCHERTAdolph Albert29
1895126SCHOLTZGabriel Hugo son of Jan Jurgens, 7 Months
1895127DOUGLASGabieba daughter of Ali and Sannie, 11 Months
1895128BOPPHerman George son of J C , 2
1895129SALOMONDavid son of Lukas, 8 Months
1895130ADAMSSeptember son of Cyster, 18 Months
1895131PIETERSFloris son of Sina, 14 Months
1895132PIETERSAdam son of Sina, 9 Days
1895133REVELLMark son of James, 14 Months
1895135JULIEJannetje daughter of Julie ADAMS, 17 Months
1895136JORDAANWillem son of Willem, 1 Month
1895137JOHANNESSoul son of Katryn, 15 Months
1895138ADAMSN.n. daughter of Lea, 1 Day
1895141SIEVERTSPiet son of Abram, 2
1895143SEPTEMBERJaftha son of Abraham Proemoe, 9 Months
1895144SIEBRITZAbel son of Willem, 23 Months
1895145JORDAANCharles Jacobus son of A J, 3 Months
1895146STOFBERGSpasie daughter of Piet, 12
1895147SCHNEIDERMartha daughter of D J, 3 Months
1895149SCHOLTZAbraham Cornelis50, (duplicate notification
1895150BASTIAANPhillida daughter of Daniel, 21 Months
1895151ADAMSAdam Absalom Jacobus son of Adam, 4
1895152ABELSAdriana daughter of Rosette ARENDS, 6 months
1895153MAURICEJohanna daughter of Jan, 5 Months
1895154KARIEMMaaida daughter of Sael, 2
1895155ISAACSpasie daughter of Kaatje CESAR and Lambert , 5 Months
1895157WILLEMSJohannes son of Jozop, 2 Months
1895158MEVISJohn son of John, 5 Months
1895161MALANAnna Magdalena Johanna son of Gabriel Daniel, 16
1895162PHILIPSFrank son of Dina, 5 Months
1895163PHILIPSFrank son of Dina, 5 Months, (Duplicate Image
1895164LOUWWillim Adam Richard son of Albertus, 15 Months
1895166MENTORHelena daughter of Nicolaas, 19 Months
1895167JEFTHASDina daughter of Geduld, 8 Months
1895169CUPIDODessalie daughter of Salmon Marthinus, 5 Months
1895170no extractable data
1895172DU TOITDaniel Francois62
1895173DU TOITDaniel Francois62, (duplicate notification
1895175WHITTONJan son of Matthys, 4
1895176THOMAS Julie son of Julie, 17 Months
1895177ADRIANSWillem son of Piet, 13 months
1895180ABRHAMSIsaac 52
1895181JACOBSN.n. son of David, 8 Days
1895182ABRHAMSN.n. son of Christan, 19 Days
1895183DAVIDSTrisia daughter of Amelia, 6 Months
1895184RAVELLChristian son of Charles, 13 Months
1895185JEFTARegina daughter of David, 1 Month
1895186JAFTASophia daughter of August, 13
1895187FREDERICKHarry son of Sylvester, 4 Months
1895188SEMMERJohanna Cicelia daughter of Jacobus P, 3 Months
1895189SIEBRITZMattheus son of Willem, 5 Months
1895191MATTHYSSusanna daughter of Susanna, 2
1895192DENNISIzak Johannes Jacobus son of James, 15 Days
1895193DU TOITMelt29
1895195PIETERSEFluer18, (duplicate Imafe
1895196DU PLESSISHendrika Susanna72
1895197SCHOONRARDJeremias Christian son of Jan Willem, 38 Days
1895198RETIEFSusanna Margaretha Elizabeth76
1895199GABRIELSHendrina daughter of Sarah, 23 Months
1895200JOSEPHMartha Louisa daughter of Solomon , 22 Months



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2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Paarl; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 14528