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Prieska Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Prieska, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (103 records)

  • 1895

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Civil Registration: Deaths - Prieska
18951GREEFMaria Margarethadaughter of FJ , age 2 Months
18952WESSELSWalter Paulse age 1 Month
18953KAPATERTilaasage 20
18954TEMBUGeorgeage 40
18955FILLIESSamuel son of Hendrik, age 0
18956OERSONHumanage 35
18957MEYERSAnneage 37
18958KLAASERacheldaughter of Hetje, age 3 Months
18959KLAASERacheldaughter of Hetje, age 3 Months, (Duplicate Notification
189510WELBAKJacobusdaughter of Katrina, age 3 Months
189511HALLJohn Parkerage 52
189512FRYNAUWJohannaage 45
189513HORWITZFelix son of William, age 0
189514FREDERICKSAbel son of Samuel, age 0
189515NIEMANGertruida Alettaage 51
189516JANSE VAN RENSBURGElbertus Gerhardus age 45
189517BOSJantjedaughter of Jan, age 18 Months
189518N.n.Bettyage 40
189519VORSTERN.n.child of SW, age 0
189520GEORGEAnna George Niece of Jan JACOBS, age 10 Months
189521VRIESSarahdaughter of Piet, age 0
189522KAPATERKlaasage 20
189523TEMBUGeorgeage 40
189524BITTERBOSCHLysdaughter of Abrahan, age 2
189525ETYEBETHBurgert Christian son of FJ, age 8
189526KRUGERCornelis Francois son of T A J, age 4
189527KARSTENMaria Elizabethdaughter of F L P, age 10 Months
189528VORSTERJan age 60
189529STUURMANWilhelmina Maria Kleinage 40
189530STUURMANWilhelmina Maria Kleinage 40, (Duplicate Image
189531VAN ZYLCornelis Theodorusage 25
189532ADAMSElsie grand-daughter of Cornelis Nero, age 1 Month
189533KARSTENAnna Sophiaage 38
189534No extractable data
189535STOMURWillem Gabrielage 78
189536RIEManeage 45
189537CLOETEAnna Maria Sophiadaughter of T H T, age 8 Months
189538CARSONN.n.child of Barente Adriaan, age 0
189539DE MEILLONGeorgeage 54
189540ESTERHUYSENJohannes son of R J F, age 0
189541VAN NIEKERKDirk Petrusage 32
189542LE HAANIEJonas Robert son of J P, age 1
189543FREDRIKSMargarethadaughter of Samuel, age 4
189544BLAAUWStephanusage 36
189545BLOMJanage 70
189546SMIDTGert Pieter Booysenage 74
189547NOETHNicholas Petrus Johannes son of N P T
189548VENTPietage 8 Months
189549BUSHMANSpielmanage 33
189550DE VRIESIsaac Daniel son of AH, age 1 Month
189551N.n.Stuurmanage 95
189552JANSENMaria son of Piet, age 1
189553WILLEMRooiage 80
189554N.n.N.n.daughter of ?, age 29days. Reported by employer of the parents
189555KONINGMichiedaughter of Jan, age 11 Months
189557KARSTENJohannes Lewis Petrus son of TS P , age 0
189558JASPERHarryage 88
189559BOSMANBooyage 55
189560MAGANGKlaas son of Jan, age 7 Months
189561MYBURHArawina Katrinadaughter of DP, age 5
189562VAN DER WESTHUYSENFrancoise Adrienne Molynage 30
189563KRAGHOENDERFlink son of Booi, age 10
189564ENGELBRECHTSusanna Alettaage 31
189565PETRUSKreitje nephew of Jan MAY, age 3 Months
189566SABAWillem son of Jan, age 0
189567VAN WYKStoffelage 60
189568MYBURGHEgbert Johannes son of A A, age 9 Months
189569GEORGEPlaatje grand-son of Plaatje, age 1 Month
189570HENDRICKSKaatje son of Kaatje, age 10
189571VAN STADENEls son of Tobias, age 10 Months
189572DU TOITChristoffel Francois Jacobus son of C F J, age 9
189573HOUGHMicheil Nicholas son of A J, age 4 Months
189574BEESTKalbasage 45
189575POYACarlage 55
189576BOESMANJekage 20
189577HOONSchalk Willem Petrus son of Schalk Willem Petrus, age 2
189578HOONSchalk Willem Petrus son of Schalk Willem Petrus, age (Duplicate Notification
189579KARSTENJohana Mariadaughter of Petrus Abraham, age 3 Months
189580VAN STADE Marthaage 25
189581RAADSGertage 70
189584SMITPetrus Johannes son of PJ, age 6
189585HOUGHSusanna Sophia Bernadinadaughter of A G, age 2
189586VISCHDoortjeage 60
189587BACILLOJacobus son of Leeuw, age 4
189588VAN DER WESTHUYSENMartha Mariaage 25
189589THERONJacobus Wouter stepson of Roff WHIBY(?), age 4
189590ADAMSKatrinadaughter of Griet, age 3
189591ADAMSKatrinadaughter of Griet, age 3, (Duplicate Image
189592ADAMSKatrinadaughter of Griet, age 3, (Duplicate Notification
189593SPRINGBOKStoffel son of Griet, age 1 Month
189594DEPULELenaage 87
189595MARRESKwitage 50
189596KOORMANHendrikage 60
189597VAN WYKLenaage 55
189598VAN WYKMeitjedaughter of Jan, age 14
189599APRILCilliaage 90
1895100KAFIRStoffelage 25
1895101N.n.Brok(?)age 50
1895102STOLLCharlotte Bertieage 76
1895103CASPERAbraham son of Cornelius, age 1 Month



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2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Prieska; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8881