Prieska Civil Registration: Deaths
Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Prieska, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.
Years indexed: (103 records)
- 1895
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Year | Image | Surname | Name | Notes |
1895 | 1 | GREEF | Maria Margaretha | daughter of FJ , age 2 Months |
1895 | 2 | WESSELS | Walter Paulse | age 1 Month |
1895 | 3 | KAPATER | Tilaas | age 20 |
1895 | 4 | TEMBU | George | age 40 |
1895 | 5 | FILLIES | Samuel | son of Hendrik, age 0 |
1895 | 6 | OERSON | Human | age 35 |
1895 | 7 | MEYERS | Anne | age 37 |
1895 | 8 | KLAASE | Rachel | daughter of Hetje, age 3 Months |
1895 | 9 | KLAASE | Rachel | daughter of Hetje, age 3 Months, (Duplicate Notification |
1895 | 10 | WELBAK | Jacobus | daughter of Katrina, age 3 Months |
1895 | 11 | HALL | John Parker | age 52 |
1895 | 12 | FRYNAUW | Johanna | age 45 |
1895 | 13 | HORWITZ | Felix | son of William, age 0 |
1895 | 14 | FREDERICKS | Abel | son of Samuel, age 0 |
1895 | 15 | NIEMAN | Gertruida Aletta | age 51 |
1895 | 16 | JANSE VAN RENSBURG | Elbertus Gerhardus | age 45 |
1895 | 17 | BOS | Jantje | daughter of Jan, age 18 Months |
1895 | 18 | N.n. | Betty | age 40 |
1895 | 19 | VORSTER | N.n. | child of SW, age 0 |
1895 | 20 | GEORGE | Anna George | Niece of Jan JACOBS, age 10 Months |
1895 | 21 | VRIES | Sarah | daughter of Piet, age 0 |
1895 | 22 | KAPATER | Klaas | age 20 |
1895 | 23 | TEMBU | George | age 40 |
1895 | 24 | BITTERBOSCH | Lys | daughter of Abrahan, age 2 |
1895 | 25 | ETYEBETH | Burgert Christian | son of FJ, age 8 |
1895 | 26 | KRUGER | Cornelis Francois | son of T A J, age 4 |
1895 | 27 | KARSTEN | Maria Elizabeth | daughter of F L P, age 10 Months |
1895 | 28 | VORSTER | Jan | age 60 |
1895 | 29 | STUURMAN | Wilhelmina Maria Klein | age 40 |
1895 | 30 | STUURMAN | Wilhelmina Maria Klein | age 40, (Duplicate Image |
1895 | 31 | VAN ZYL | Cornelis Theodorus | age 25 |
1895 | 32 | ADAMS | Elsie | grand-daughter of Cornelis Nero, age 1 Month |
1895 | 33 | KARSTEN | Anna Sophia | age 38 |
1895 | 34 | No extractable data | ||
1895 | 35 | STOMUR | Willem Gabriel | age 78 |
1895 | 36 | RIE | Mane | age 45 |
1895 | 37 | CLOETE | Anna Maria Sophia | daughter of T H T, age 8 Months |
1895 | 38 | CARSON | N.n. | child of Barente Adriaan, age 0 |
1895 | 39 | DE MEILLON | George | age 54 |
1895 | 40 | ESTERHUYSEN | Johannes | son of R J F, age 0 |
1895 | 41 | VAN NIEKERK | Dirk Petrus | age 32 |
1895 | 42 | LE HAANIE | Jonas Robert | son of J P, age 1 |
1895 | 43 | FREDRIKS | Margaretha | daughter of Samuel, age 4 |
1895 | 44 | BLAAUW | Stephanus | age 36 |
1895 | 45 | BLOM | Jan | age 70 |
1895 | 46 | SMIDT | Gert Pieter Booysen | age 74 |
1895 | 47 | NOETH | Nicholas Petrus Johannes | son of N P T |
1895 | 48 | VENT | Piet | age 8 Months |
1895 | 49 | BUSHMAN | Spielman | age 33 |
1895 | 50 | DE VRIES | Isaac Daniel | son of AH, age 1 Month |
1895 | 51 | N.n. | Stuurman | age 95 |
1895 | 52 | JANSEN | Maria | son of Piet, age 1 |
1895 | 53 | WILLEM | Rooi | age 80 |
1895 | 54 | N.n. | N.n. | daughter of ?, age 29days. Reported by employer of the parents |
1895 | 55 | KONING | Michie | daughter of Jan, age 11 Months |
1895 | 56 | TYNK(?) | Booy | |
1895 | 57 | KARSTEN | Johannes Lewis Petrus | son of TS P , age 0 |
1895 | 58 | JASPER | Harry | age 88 |
1895 | 59 | BOSMAN | Booy | age 55 |
1895 | 60 | MAGANG | Klaas | son of Jan, age 7 Months |
1895 | 61 | MYBURH | Arawina Katrina | daughter of DP, age 5 |
1895 | 62 | VAN DER WESTHUYSEN | Francoise Adrienne Molyn | age 30 |
1895 | 63 | KRAGHOENDER | Flink | son of Booi, age 10 |
1895 | 64 | ENGELBRECHT | Susanna Aletta | age 31 |
1895 | 65 | PETRUS | Kreitje | nephew of Jan MAY, age 3 Months |
1895 | 66 | SABA | Willem | son of Jan, age 0 |
1895 | 67 | VAN WYK | Stoffel | age 60 |
1895 | 68 | MYBURGH | Egbert Johannes | son of A A, age 9 Months |
1895 | 69 | GEORGE | Plaatje | grand-son of Plaatje, age 1 Month |
1895 | 70 | HENDRICKS | Kaatje | son of Kaatje, age 10 |
1895 | 71 | VAN STADEN | Els | son of Tobias, age 10 Months |
1895 | 72 | DU TOIT | Christoffel Francois Jacobus | son of C F J, age 9 |
1895 | 73 | HOUGH | Micheil Nicholas | son of A J, age 4 Months |
1895 | 74 | BEEST | Kalbas | age 45 |
1895 | 75 | POYA | Carl | age 55 |
1895 | 76 | BOESMAN | Jek | age 20 |
1895 | 77 | HOON | Schalk Willem Petrus | son of Schalk Willem Petrus, age 2 |
1895 | 78 | HOON | Schalk Willem Petrus | son of Schalk Willem Petrus, age (Duplicate Notification |
1895 | 79 | KARSTEN | Johana Maria | daughter of Petrus Abraham, age 3 Months |
1895 | 80 | VAN STADE | Martha | age 25 |
1895 | 81 | RAADS | Gert | age 70 |
1895 | 82 | BOTHA | Tys | |
1895 | 83 | JONGHANS | Martha | |
1895 | 84 | SMIT | Petrus Johannes | son of PJ, age 6 |
1895 | 85 | HOUGH | Susanna Sophia Bernadina | daughter of A G, age 2 |
1895 | 86 | VISCH | Doortje | age 60 |
1895 | 87 | BACILLO | Jacobus | son of Leeuw, age 4 |
1895 | 88 | VAN DER WESTHUYSEN | Martha Maria | age 25 |
1895 | 89 | THERON | Jacobus Wouter | stepson of Roff WHIBY(?), age 4 |
1895 | 90 | ADAMS | Katrina | daughter of Griet, age 3 |
1895 | 91 | ADAMS | Katrina | daughter of Griet, age 3, (Duplicate Image |
1895 | 92 | ADAMS | Katrina | daughter of Griet, age 3, (Duplicate Notification |
1895 | 93 | SPRINGBOK | Stoffel | son of Griet, age 1 Month |
1895 | 94 | DEPULE | Lena | age 87 |
1895 | 95 | MARRES | Kwit | age 50 |
1895 | 96 | KOORMAN | Hendrik | age 60 |
1895 | 97 | VAN WYK | Lena | age 55 |
1895 | 98 | VAN WYK | Meitje | daughter of Jan, age 14 |
1895 | 99 | APRIL | Cillia | age 90 |
1895 | 100 | KAFIR | Stoffel | age 25 |
1895 | 101 | N.n. | Brok(?) | age 50 |
1895 | 102 | STOLL | Charlotte Bertie | age 76 |
1895 | 103 | CASPER | Abraham | son of Cornelius, age 1 Month |
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2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972
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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Prieska; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.
- Hits: 8881