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Brown, Craig Stuart: The Border Browns; the family of Stephen and Sara Brown. Familia, 35(1), 1998, pp. 25-32.

Brown, Craig Stuart: The family of Thomas & Elizabeth Saunders-Brown; British Settlers of 1820. Familia, 38(3), 2001, pp.129-130.

Coetzee, Marilyn: William Roe - 1820 Settler. Familia, 31(2&3), 1994, pp.39-45.

Dickason, G.: Cornish immigrants.Familia, 9(3), 1972, pp. 70, 74-79.

Dickason, G.: List of Cornish immigrants to South Africa. Familia, 10(3), 1973, pp. 62-68.

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Dixie, D.M.: 1850 British Settlers to the Cape. Famillia, 23(3), 1986, pp. 59-61.

Jooste, E.P.: Archives sources for the British Settlers of 1858-1862. Familia, 21(2), 1984, pp. 35, 51.

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Philip, P.: Discharged soldiers and sailors who were granted permission to remain at the Cape: 1815 -1824. Supplementa ad Familia, 16(3), 1979.

Rivett-Carnac, D.: The genealogy of 1820 settlers. (Lists of family trees and correspondence files). Familia, 5, 1968, pp. 54-61.

Rivett-Carnac, D.: Genealogy of the 1820 settlers (list of family trees). Familia, 8(4), 1971, pp. 84-87.

Rowse, D.E.: Sources for 1820 Settler genealogy. Familia, 22(2), 1985, pp. 29, 31, 42, 49.

Rowse, Dorothea: Bradshaw's Party of the 1820 Settlers. Familia, 33(2), 1996, pp. 38-45.

Rowse, Dorothea: Bradshaw's Party of the 1820 Settlers II. Familia, 33(3), pp. 70-80.

Smits, Peter: The descendants of the 1820 Settler Matthew Dold. Familia, 33(1), 1996, pp. 26-28.

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